I wanted spider webs for the Halloween quilt but did not have the pantograph file so I thought I would use what I had. I had a bat design that would also work well with the quilt. So, at the top of the newly loaded backing, I tested out some designs. I threw some pink scraps onto the layout and tested away. Since I really could not see the design on the pink, I placed black scraps over the pink and then redid the designs. Of course, I did not iron those black scraps so it looks a little wrinkled.
Here are the bats
Then I decided I really wanted spiderwebs. So, I purchased the pantograph design from QuiltRecipes. I tested that out as well. It was a larger 8" design and it did a lot of repeats on the webs, retracing to get from point a to point b. I was not sure that I liked that. Here's just a cutout from the stitch out of the spiderwebs.
Then I had the bright idea I would make my own pantograph. Spent several hours getting the design "just right" on screen. When I tested it out, it looked great but it was too dense. I could have resized it but at this point, I just wanted to start quilting the Halloween quilt. Here's what my pantograph sample stitch out looked like:
So, I loaded up the quilt and away I started. I ended up returning to the "Plain Spider Webs 1" panto that I purchased from QuiltRecipes. I liked that you also received a reverse design so all the random spiderwebs did not line up between the rows. Based on the first row, I'm glad I returned to the purchased pantograph.
I used a grey Superior So Fine thread for the top and white bobbin thread for the bottom of the quilt. Here's a snippet of the first row completed on the frame:
A couple more rows and then I'll be finished! Then on to the extra Halloween table runner or bed runner. I think I might make it before Halloween!
Thanks for stopping by!
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