However, I'm having an issue with all the digital files I've accumulated across the years. I no longer remember what I purchased across the years. Here's an example. I wanted to embroider a couple hand towels. I had a USB stick that had 4 letters from my favorite font for embroidering on towels! Here's an example The issue is, I wanted to do more than the 4 letters I had on the Memory stick. How did I find the digital fonts I previously purchased??
I opened the files and then looked for some copyright text, didn't find it. I looked at the date in which the file was created and searched my computer for a zip file that matched the date. Nope, not there either. I guessed at what I might have renamed the zip file and searched several backup drives I had, Nope. I searched my favorite embroidery sites with names like rope font, rope text, etc... Nope. I finally searched my blog archives and I finally found a post from 2011 with a link to the original website where I purchased the embroidery font. Wow, 8 years ago.
I solved the mystery!! Did I find the original file I purchased, no. I purchased the font again!!! I need to figure out a way to organize all my digital craft content!! How do you organize your digital content across many years??
Thanks for stopping by!