I finished my Gone Fishin quilt over the weekend. I combined two different quilting designs to the quilt. One was a repeated single fish that came with the free designs of the HQProstitcher and one that a friend (Hi Linda) made for me of a few random bubbles. I quilted the whole thing with the fishes first and didn't like the "space" between the fishing poles and the fish above. So, I asked my friend to help with digitizing a few bubbles. I did not want lines between the bubbles so I asked for jumps between them all. I knew that meant a lot of snipping threads between each bubble on both front and back.
The photos above and below show the end results. It's always difficult for me to photograph the quilting. I hope you can see it a little. In addition to the fishing pattern and bubbles patterns, I also placed random singular bubbles everywhere. One other thing, of course I did not line up the patterns and had extra space at the bottom of the quilt. So, I added some water waves at the very bottom for the fishes.
Thanks for stopping by!
Trish - Awesome quilting with the fish design!